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APICAM2025 Keynote Speakers

Prof. Nicolas Saintier

Arts et Métiers, France

Professor Nicolas Saintier has been working in the field of fatigue of materials and structures under complex loadings for the past twenty years dealing with a wide range of materials, from polymers  to metallic materials. His work aim at further understanding an model the link between microstructure of materials and their behavior at the macro scale under complex mechanical loading and environments (hydrogen, fatigue corrosion). He obtained his PhD in 2001 from the prestigious Ecole des Mines de Paris in 2001 on multiaxial fatigue of elastomers. After a Post-Doc at Sydney University, he was proposed a position of assistant professor at Arts et Metiers ParisTech in 2004. Full professor since 2014, he is now head of the Solid Mechanics Department of the I2M institute (Arts et Metiers, UMR CNR 5295, Bordeaux) since 2016 and member of several scientific networks at the national level. In 2014 he formed an additive manufacturing center now recognized as a leading center for additive manufacturing of metallic materials at the regional and national level as head of the CNRS HEAD group (High Energy in Additive Manufacturing). Since 2024 he holds the industrial Chair CESAME with Safran Additive Manufacturing dedicated to the process optimization and mechanical behavior of additivelly obtained materials and structures.
Abstract: Multiscale multiaxial fatigue modelling of defective materials : surface vs internal defect competition in the case of additive manufacturing

Prof. Paulo Jorge Da Silva Bartolo

Prof Paulo Jorge Da Silva Bartolo

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Since August 2021, Paulo Bartolo is Professor at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Nanyang Technological University and Executive Director of the Singapore Centre for 3D Printing. In February 2014 he joined the University of Manchester (UK) as Chair Professor on Advanced Manufacturing. At the University of Manchester, Paulo Bartolo was the Head of the Manufacturing Group, Leader of the Innovative Manufacturing Research Theme, Member of the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering Executive Committee and Member of the Departmental Committee for the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF21) Engineering Unit of Assessment 12 (UOA 12). He was also member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) Committee (2014-2017) and member of the Promotion Committee (2014-2017). At the University of Manchester he was also the Industry 4.0 Academic Lead; member of the Advanced Manufacturing Strategic Oversight Group; member of the Management Board of the EPSRC & MRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Regenerative Medicine; theme leader of the “Industry 4.0” Societal Challenge area within the Digital Futures; and member of the Thomas Ashton Institute (Academic Lead for Industry 4.0 – implications for health and safety).

Prof. Laila Ladani

Arizona State University, USA

Leila Ladani received her doctorate in mechanical engineering from University of Maryland at College Park, in 2007. Prior to that she received her master's degree in mechanical engineering in heat and fluid (with honor) and another master's degree in solid mechanics and her bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. She is internationally recognized for her research on advanced and multi-scale manufacturing and mechanics of materials. Ladani’s research, academic involvement and outreach has been supported and recognized by NSF, NAE, NASA, US. Department of State and many others. She has been invited speaker for more than 35 talks, most recently in October of 2022, as invited speaker at MS&T conference in Pittsburgh, PA. She was invited attendee of National Academy of Engineering Frontier of engineering conference and has been selected as ASME EPPD Women Engineer. She was selected as Connecticut Women of Innovation Finalist in the category of Academic Innovation and Leadership. She is the editor of Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A and has published more than 150 refereed manuscripts and patents. She is an ASME Fellow. 
Abstract: Biomimetic and Adaptive Structures: Interface of Technology with Additive Manufacturing

Dr. Brian Post

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Dr. Brian K. Post is a senior research staff member and group leader at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where he heads the Manufacturing Systems Design Group. He received his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Purdue University, with a focus on surgical robotics, and his master's and Ph.D. degrees from Georgia Tech in the design and control of long-reach flexible robotic manipulators. Brian started as an intern at ORNL in 2006 and 2007 before joining ORNL full-time in 2013 as a Postdoctoral fellow in the Manufacturing Systems Research Group.

Prof. Dr. Isabella Gallino

Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

Head of the Chair of Metallic Materials at Faculty III Process Sciences.
I have more than 20 years’ experience researching and teaching in the field of metallic materials with a specialization in metallic glasses and sustainable metal production, such as carbon-free aluminum production. Metallic glasses belong to a new class of metallic materials with outstanding properties that make them very promising from a technological point of view. Among the things that make them so interesting are their excellent mechanical properties. Metallic glasses have the unusual combination of high yield strength (close to the theoretical strength) and low modulus of elasticity (ideal springs). They can be injected into a mold like polymers or formed thermoplastically. And laser melting makes it possible to print them in any 3D geometry.

Prof. Nima Shamsaei

Auburn University and the National Center for Additive Manufacturing Excellence, USA

Dr. Nima Shamsaei currently holds the position of Philpott-WestPoint Stevens Distinguished Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Auburn University. Additionally, he serves as the founding director of the National Center for Additive Manufacturing Excellence (NCAME), a research center founded by NASA and NIST, dedicated to advancing additive manufacturing (AM) technologies and their adoption. NCAME is also a key U.S.-based founding partner of the ASTM International Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (AM CoE). Before entering academia, Dr. Shamsaei accumulated extensive industry experience, including leadership positions, with a specialization in fatigue analysis and durability test development. Dr. Shamsaei's research efforts have resulted in the publication of over 300 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings. His expertise spans areas such as fatigue, fracture, mechanics of materials, and AM material/part qualification, certification, and standardization.
Abstract: Additive Manufacturing Qualification for Fatigue Critical Applications

Dr. Markus Kogel-Hollacher

Dr. Markus Kogel-Hollacher

Precitec Group, Germany

Head of department R&D projects at Precitec Group | Executive Director AKL e.V.. Precitec Group Technische Universität Berlin AKL e.V.
Dr. Markus Kogel-Hollacher began working in the laser field at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser technology in Aachen in 1994. Since then, the focus of his work has been on the field of Monitoring and control of laser processes. In 1996 he moved to Precitec, Germany. Dr. Kogel-Hollacher is a Fellow of the Laser Institute of America and a member of the Board of Stakeholders Photonics21 in Brussels, was a finalist in the Innovation Award Laser Technology in 2012 and 2014.
Abstract: Additive Manufacturing on a Higher Level - Final Steps in DED Towards First Time Right

Dr. Markus Kogel-Hollacher

Dr.-Ing. Gunther Mohr

Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Germany

Dr. Gunther Mohr studied mechanical engineering at Technische Universität Berlin, Germany and materials engineering at Swansea University, Swansea, UK. He has been involved in many R&D projects related to metal additive manufacturing (AM) in his professional career at LZN Laser Zentrum Nord GmbH and at Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM). His special interest is in the field of the relationship between process, structure and resulting properties of metallic AM parts, as well as process monitoring. Currently, Dr. Mohr works as group leader of the group powder bed based processes at BAM, Berlin, Germany.

Prof. Paulo Jorge Da Silva Bartolo

Prof. Allison Beese

Penn State University, USA

Allison Beese received her B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Penn State University.  She then worked as an engineer at Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory before entering graduate school.  She earned her M.S. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).  As a graduate student, she worked in the Impact and Crashworthiness Lab, where she focused on experimentally measuring and computationally modeling the multiaxial deformation and fracture of advanced high strength steels.  After graduation, she became a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University in the Nano and Micromechanics Lab, where she performed experiments on materials ranging from carbon-based fibers and sheets to biological cells using a range of techniques including microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)-based testing techniques in situ a transmission electron microscope (TEM).  She joined Penn State’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering in 2013, and also holds a courtesy appointment in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Dr. Edward W. (Ted) Reutzel

Penn State University, USA

Dr. E.W. (Ted) Reutzel serves as Director of Penn State University’s Center for Additive Manufacturing (CIMP-3D) and is an Associate Research Professor holding appointments in Penn State’s Engineering Science & Mechanics Department, Mechanical Engineering Department, and the Additive Manufacturing and Design Graduate Program.  He has led and supported numerous programs to investigate and implement metal processing technology including: first ABS-approved hybrid laser weld installed on a U.S. ship; first flight demonstration of a flight-critical PBFAM component; first approved qualification test plan for DEDAM repair; and ongoing activities for first qualification of a safety-critical redesigned-for-AM PBFAM manifold.   He has contributed to more than 150 publications and books chapters (cited more than 5,000 times), holds numerous patents related to welding and AM.  Current research interests include AM process monitoring for process understanding, machine learning-based quality assessment, feedback control of metal-based AM processes, as well as process optimization, and implementation.

Dr.Ing. Elena Lopez

Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS, Germany

Dr. Elena Lopez studied chemical engineering at the Universidad de Valladolid and Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. She finished her PhD thesis about the topic of plasmachemical etching of silicon solar wafers at the Technische Universitaet Dresden. She is Head of Department for Additive Manufacturing at the Additive Manufacturing Center Dresden (AMCD) at Fraunhofer IWS and teaches AM as adjunct professor. She also represents Women in 3D Printing as Regional Director Europe.
Abstract: Newest developments on additively manufactured Cu- and Cu-Alloys for space, energy and accelerators

A/Prof. Kenta Yamanaka

Tohoku University, Japan

Dr. Kenta Yamanaka is an Associate Professor and Principal Investigator at the Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, with a concurrent position in the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering. Following industry experience, he earned his Ph.D. in materials processing from Tohoku University. Yamanaka's research leverages additive manufacturing technologies to create new alloys with enhanced properties (mechanical properties, fatigue, wear, corrosion) and spans various processes, such as powder bed fusion, binder jetting, and cold spraying. With particular expertise in electron beam powder bed fusion, his work focuses on both fundamental and applied aspects spanning from alloy design, powder production, and process optimization to 3D printer development in collaboration with industry partners. He employs advanced characterization techniques including synchrotron and neutron diffraction to elucidate process-microstructure-property relationships for various materials including biomaterials, titanium alloys, superalloys, and high-entropy alloys. His recent pioneering research includes multi-material 3D printing for aerospace and automotive applications. For these achievements, Dr. Yamanaka received various awards including the Young Scientists' Award, the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.

Prof. Gang Chen

University of Science and Technology Beijing

Prof. Gang Chen received his PhD from the University of Auckland in New Zealand in 2014. He starts to work at University of Science and Technology Beijing since 2018, and previously worked as a group leader at Northwest Institute for Non-ferrous Metal Research. He has been selected as National Program for Support of Top-notch Young Professionals, and Xiaomi Young Scholar. His research mainly focuses on powder metallurgy including powder production/modification, metal injection molding, and additive manufacturing. He has published over 60 academic journal papers including Nat. Mater., Acta Mater., Scripta Mater., Corros. Sci., Metall. Mater. Trans. A/B, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., and Addit. Manuf., etc, and has been authorized over 20 Chinese patents and 2 US patents. He serves as the Editors of academic journals of “Advanced Powder Materials” and “Powder Metallurgy Technology”, as well as Key Reader of Metall. Mater. Trans. A/B. He also serves as Secretary General of Powder Metallurgy branch of China Metal Society, and Deputy Secretary General of China Powder Metallurgy Alliance
Abstract: Lean design of a strong and ductile dual-phase titanium-oxygen alloy

Prof. Laichang Zhang

Edith Cowan University, Australia

Professor Laichang Zhang is the Program Leader–Mechanical Engineering and the Head of Centre for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing in the School of Engineering at Edith Cowan University (ECU). After receiving his PhD at Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Zhang had worked at The University of Western Australian, University of Wollongong, IFW Dresden and Technical University Darmstadt before joining ECU. Prof. Zhang is a Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Materials Science (Clarivate) with high-quality publication in Science, Progress in Materials Science, Materials Science and Engineering R: Reports. He is a leading researcher in metallic materials (3D-printing, metallic biomaterials, lightweight alloys & structures, and high-strength alloys and composites), with high expertise in processing, microstructure and performance (e.g. mechanical properties, fatigue, corrosion)..
Abstract: Cellular Structure and Deformation Mechanism of Additively Manufactured TiNbTaZrMo Refractory High-Entropy Alloy

Dr. Chinnapat Panwisawas

Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

Dr Chinnapat Panwisawas is currently Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Materials and Solid Mechanics, Deputy Director of Graduate Studies and Director of Materials Science and Engineering Programme at School of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) since July 2022. He obtained his PhD in Metallurgy and Materials from University of Birmingham, UK (2013), and his BSc (First Class Honours) in Physics (Honours Programme) from Department of Physics, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (2008). After the conferment of his PhD, he has joined Partnership for Research in Simulation of Manufacturing and Materials (PRISM2) research group in Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre at the University of Birmingham from 2013 to 2018. In June 2018, he has awarded EPSRC UKRI Innovation Fellowship to conduct his project as a Principal Investigator on additive manufacturability where he was Senior Fellow & EPSRC UKRI Innovation Fellow at Department of Materials, University of Oxford. Before joining QMUL, he was Associate Professor in Digital Manufacturing, Associate Director of NISCO UK Research Centre & EPSRC UKRI Innovation Fellow at School of Engineering, University of Leicester. Dr Chinnapat Panwisawas also hold Visiting Professor or Visiting Academic worldwide at: University of Oxford (UK); Shimane University (Japan); Chulalongkorn University (Thailand); Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China); University of California, Davis (USA)
Abstract: Computational materials engineering: From multi-scale multi-physics modelling to science-informed materials discovery

Prof. Lihai Zhang

University of Melbourne, Australia

Lihai Zhang is a Professor in the Department of Infrastructure Engineering at The University of Melbourne. He also holds an Adjunct Professorship in the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, Monash University. His research primarily focuses on developing and applying advanced numerical models to simulate fluid flow, mass transfer, and reactive transport in deformed porous materials. Additionally, his work in multi-physics reliability analysis has enabled a comprehensive evaluation of engineering system reliability and performance by capturing the complex interactions among multiple physical phenomena. His interdisciplinary expertise gives him a unique edge in addressing complex challenges in Biomedical Engineering, particularly in Orthopaedic Biomechanics & Mechano-Biology, with a focus on bone fracture healing and cartilage mechanics. Professor Zhang has authored two books, 14 book chapters, two special issues as Chief Guest Editor, and over 250 journal articles. Currently, Prof Zhang is an Editorial Board Member of Engineering Structures and the International Journal of Applied Mechanics.
Abstract: Modelling of Implant Biocompatibility in Additive Manufacturing

Prof. Ian Gibson

The University of Twente, The Netherlands

Prof. Ian Gibson has two roles at the University of Twente. Besides his role as the Scientific Director of the University's Fraunhofer Project Centre in complex systems engineering, he is also a professor in Industrial Design Engineering at the UT. In the latter, he provides guidance to other professors, based on his knowledge and experience. This can relate to their research, but he also offers them advice on broader subjects, like career development.

His role at the Fraunhofer Project Centre is quite new, like the centre itself. Gibson started this role in July 2018 and was the first Scientific Director to be appointed. “I see myself as the conduit between the University and the Centre in terms of getting more people involved, providing research directions for the Centre and linking research of other groups at the university to the activities at Fraunhofer. These links need to be mutually beneficial to the Centre and the research groups, but should also support the main goal, which is providing research support for local industry and primarily local manufacturing industry. Abstract: 

Prof. Naoyuki Nomura

Tohoku University, Japan


Prof. Yafeng Yang

Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Professor Yafeng Yang is the Deputy Director of State Key Laboratory of Mesoscience and Engnieering and the Head of Division of Mineral Process Engineering and Energy Materials at Institute of Process Engineering (IPE), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS). After obtaining his PhD at Jilin University, Prof. Yang had worked at The University of Queensland and RMIT University before joining the  IPE CAS. His research mainly focused on powder surface modification/processing, powder consolidation and additive manufacturing. He serves as the editorial member in five reputable journals and the technical committee of several powder metallurgy alliances. He has received several international academic honors including Humboldt Fellowship Germany, Australian Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship (ARC-APD), Australian Research Council Early Career Research Award (ARC-DECRA) and Queensland Smart Future Fellowship.

Prof. Ming Yan

Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Prof. Yan Ming, Ph.D., Humboldt Scholar (Senior), Director of Shenzhen Aero Engine 3D Printing Powder Engineering Laboratory.
Yan Ming’s Ph.D.-PhD degree was mainly studied at Harbin Institute of Technology (1997.09-2006.11), and worked at the University of Queensland for joint training during the doctoral degree (2004.10-2006.04). After graduating from Ph.D., he worked at the National Institute of Materials Research in Japan (2007.01-2008.12), the University of Queensland (2009.01-2014.01), and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (2014.01-2014.12). He returned to the Department of Materials and Machinery and Energy of Southern University of Science and Technology at the end of 2014 Professor.
He is a director of the “Guangdong Mechanical Engineering Society’s Additive Manufacturing Branch”, a member of the “Guangdong Powder Metallurgy Industry Technology Alliance” expert committee, and a member of the Guangdong Province major special project (additive manufacturing direction) secondary assessment expert group. He has received international academic honors including Humboldt Scholars in Germany, JSPS Invite Scholarships from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Australian National Postdoctoral Scholarship (ARC-APD), Queensland Smart Future Fellowship-Early Career, Peacock Shenzhen Plans, etc.

A/Prof. Xiping Tan

National University of Singapore

Dr. Xipeng Tan is currently a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore. He also holds the courtesy joint appointment in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. He received his PhD in materials science from the Institute of Metal Research (Shenyang), Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2013. After his postdoctoral training on atom probe tomography in France, he joined the Nanyang Technology University as a Senior Research Fellow working on metal additive manufacturing. Dr. Tan’s main research interest lies in design and control strategies for high-performance metal additive manufacturing. He has been a lead author for more than 60 peer-reviewed journal papers in metallurgy and additive manufacturing such as Nature Communications, NPG Asia Materials, Acta Materialia, Additive Manufacturing, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, etc., including 7 Highly Cited Papers in terms of Web of Science. He delivered more than 10 invited talks in the international conferences and workshops in the past 5 years. He is an editorial board member of Advanced Powder Materials.
Abstract: Microstructure Engineering in Metal Additive Manufacturing Using Experimental and Computational Methods

Prof. Guoxing Lu

Zhejiang University, China
